What is wrong with me?
This week was a longer seeming week---
I turn every conversation with Kory into an awkward "I-am-angry-upset-in a bratty mood" atmosphere. Bless his heart--he is probably ready for me to go on a vacation.
I am wishing school would just handle itself and leave me alone.
I am wishing school things will just fall into place how they should-but I can't just sit and wait around--I feel like I need to be pro-active.
I am switching schools, and that is a hassle itself.
Thanksgiving is coming up, and I still have yet to decide which way I am going---North--South---or right where I am at.
Every night I have awful dreams that put me in a weird mood.
And I have lost ALL motivation to work out.
I did run today and it felt so nice being back out there and the Fall scenery made it even better.
I am thinking I should:
A.Take a deep breath
B.Paint my toe nails and finger nails
C.No sodas-they make me cranky. Even though I am craving a DP right now.
D.Trust God and HIS TIMING.
E. Be nice to Kory..because I love him, and I don't like being cranky/ugly to him.
F.Take a deep breath
G.Release that deep breath
H.Stop making lists that go all the way to H.
Here are some pictures from this week that Jenn took when we were in Selma..
Oh & I have "Holiday Hair" now....
Happy Weekend my friends
Prayers and blessings to you,
Girlfriend, you're not the only one like this. Don't you worry,,, I've been this way lately too. It just seems like there's so much going on in the lives of so many right now. You're not alone. Paint your nails.. Or better yet, get a pedicure or manicure! Treat yourself with some Starbucks and a spa day :) && keep that chin up, you're not the only one who struggles with worry and stress. Love you!! XO