As I sit in this vehicle and finish up the last hour of the trek to my memaw's, I am full of inspiration.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow- I got to thinking, and I mean we ALL know this, but do we ever think about this- we
should be thankful every single day. We should praise our Father and thank Him every day. Not just on Thanksgiving. So what I am going to do- starting today- is keep a journal of everything I am thankful for. I want to have 1000 things down. Now the 1000 won't happen in a day, but each day I will add to the list. Everyday. I am praying that through this, I will realize even more how thankful I really am.
Don't get me wrong- I am thankful.. I praise God and thank Him everyday for letting me and blessing me to wake up and walk and spread light for His kingdom- but I am thinking that this will bring more to light and help me grow spiritually. Now, you are free to join me if you'd like! I would like to see/hear about your testimonies and what God is showing you during this time.
I will be adding a tab specifically for this tomorrow. And I have decided that what I add in my journal, I will update on the page everyday!
Comment below If you want to join in! (Or you don't have to comment- you can just do it by yourself and I will be praying for you and that God reveals so much to you!)
I pray you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with your friends, family and loved ones.
You all mean so much to me and I am thankful for YOU!
Prayers and blessings to you,
Awesome! :) Hope you all had a great thanksgiving!